To maximise your business’ efficiency, Microsoft provides continual upgrades to the Dynamics 365 platform. These can include updates to processes and software capabilities, bug fixes, extra features and even entire platform upgrades. Generally, upgrades for Dynamics 365 occur every six months, while whole platform updates are released every three months after your transfer to the Dynamics 365 Cloud. Orion monitors and informs your business of these advancements. Our team also offers assistance in syncing your systems and tools with such upgrades if and when you need them.
Keeping up with Dynamics 365 Upgrades enhances your business performance by allowing you to gain access to new features, applications and innovations. By making sure your business is up to date with the available upgrades, you’ll also have improved security tools and compliance options to always get the best results from Dynamics 365.
At Orion, we are your Microsoft Dynamics 365 specialists. We identify and introduce Ongoing Upgrades to help you gain access to the Dynamics platform’s newest and relevant features. To help you adapt and integrate with the latest updates, we also provide you with the necessary security, fixes and tools. If you’re running an older version of Dynamics 365 and your business’ platform needs a complete overhaul to the latest version, we provide guidance and support to get your business up to date.